
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Compare and Contrast Parliamentary Essay

parliamentary and presidential democracies argon forms of government that similar in al or so respects and differ in others. The parliamentary system like the presidential is divided into three separate arms of Government, the law-makers, executive director and the Judiciary. Both democracies hold a bicameral legislature, often referred to as the theater of operations of vocalization and the Senate. The House of Representative is elected and the Senate is appointed by the intellect of narrate on the advice of the Prime Minister in a Parliamentary type opus both houses are elected by the people in the chairwomanial system. In the Parliamentary System, the sharpen of Government, referred to as the Prime Minister, is appointed by a vote of confidence from the House of Representative firstly along with the Attorney General and subsequently followed by the members of Cabinet. In a Parliamentary Democracy there is withal a figurative head of state, usually the Queen or an appo inted Governor General. In the Presidential System, the President who is separately elected by the people is both the Head of nominate and Head of Government. Presidents serve a fixed term and may not be removed except for cases where he does something illegal while in Parliament, a Prime Minister may be removed by a vote of no confidence by his executive members or he may call an early election at whatever time and dissolve the house.Although the three branches exist in both types of government, it is unembellished that power is fused amongst the Executive and Legislature in the Parliamentary type. The Presidential System is otherwise well known for the separation of the Executive and the Legislative Agencies, with the President nominating and appointing his executive team of which no members of the elected legislature can be a member thereof. A Parliamentary Legislature makes and passes laws easily by virtue of always having a bulk in the House. In the Presidential System, the Legislature and the Executives are able to create laws altogether if must energise a two thirds vote of the Legislature. The President also had the right to veto laws. Overall, the Caribbean should adapt to the Presidential Democratic System. Although it may come along very expensive to fund such(prenominal) type of government, it may court less in the long term. The check and balance that a presidential system offers allows for less corruption and Executives to be held accountable of their actions. Policies and laws would be more(prenominal) accurate andbetter evaluated having two separate Agencies in review of such nature. The Presidential system allows for more transparency which is one of the ultimate objectives of a res publica. ReferencesRead Also Compare and Contrast Essay Examples for CollegeParliamentary body politic is the type of government where the public vote government into power and parliamentarians are interpreter of the people. While a Presidential Democra cy is when there is a system of government that has a president acting as the nations head of state and active chief executive authority. The similarities between the Presidential and Parliamentary model are both are representative democracies, both have a head of state, both have a bicameral form of government and both are rule by constitution. There are also differences between the Presidential and Parliamentary model. In the Presidential seat, the president is the Executive body and is separated from the Legislature. President is voted by the people and also the Legislative Branch that is composed by theHouse of Representative and the senate.This means they have two elections. A president can only serve two four years term and is answerable to the people. In the Parliamentary Democracy there is an Executive power but is mutually beneficial on the Legislation. The Prime Minister is appointed by the majority reigning party. Therefore there is only one election. The Prime Mister does not have a term limit as long as he has the support of it members. The Prime Minister will answer to Parliament. The Presidential personate has a head of state which is the President for example in the linked State it would be Obama. While the Parliamentary Model has a Head of State and Head of Government for example in Belize the Head of State is the Governor General which represent the queen Sr. Colville Young and Head of government is the Prime Minister Dean Oliver Barrow. In Presidential Model dual political parties can exist in congress and on Parliamentary Model one political Party hold the majority party power. I believe that due to our history and the fact most countries in the Caribbean were once a colony of England the Parliamentary Model is go around suited.ReferenceWhat is a parliamentary democracy. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.ask.com/question/what-is-a-parliamentary-democracy What is thedefinition of presidential democracy?. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www .ask.com/question/presidential-legislative-democracy? ad=SEO&an=SEO&ap=google.com.bz&o=102140 What is the difference between a parliamentary and presidential system of government?. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.wisegeek.com/what-is- the-difference-between-a-parliamentary-and-presidential-system-of- government.htm

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